
Xenum received EELQMS certification

In order to improve our internal processes and achieve the highest standards, Xenum has received certification EELQMS for its ACEA category oils.

European quality management system for lubricants (EELQMS) was developed jointly with ACEA (European Association of Automobile Manufacturers), ATC (Technical Committee of Oil Additive Manufacturers in Europe) and ATIEL (Technical Association of the European Lubricants Industry).

Certification EELQMS

This admission quality for automotive lubricants, designed to determine the minimum requirements for operation by leading European car manufacturers.

EELQMS is a voluntary quality system, but it The ONLY system, which can be used as proof of admission ACEA.

This system covers various European, North American and global quality standards, methods and testing procedures. And also the tolerance represents industry practices and requirements of European oil tolerances ACEA. A full description is possible find on the official website.

Products with this certification can be distinguished by the logo. In Xenum, it will be placed on all labels with ACEA tolerance specifications, along with EAC and CE.

Product tolerances Xenum Ukraine

We are happy to receive this certification, which joins the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, what updated a year ago.

For those who don't know these certificates, ISO certificates is a seal of approval that the company implements specific internationally recognized management systems.

In more detail, exactly ISO 9001 focuses on providing our customers with a consistent level of quality, and ISO 14001 – environmental clearance.

With these certifications and quality tolerances, we strive not only to maintain our highest standards, but also to be recognized as a manufacturer worldwide.

If you need consultation or advice about your car, contact the specialists of Xenum Ukraine.

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