
Air conditioner microleakage and ways to eliminate them

Summer, time for air conditioners! Unfortunately, many car owners neglect to check the air conditioner before the summer. When rubber components lose their flexibility and wear, microscopic cracks begin to form - and that's when serious problems can arise. Excessive air conditioning system leaks will damage the air conditioning system, resulting in expensive repairs. Fortunately, the solution to fixing micro-leaks in their early stages is simple and cost-effective.

New from Xenum: AIRCO FIX

It is normal for the air conditioning system to have moisture as part of the air circulation process. However, problems arise when the air conditioner is not used for a long time, causing it to dry out. In our climate, the air conditioner is mainly used during the summer season, with minimal use during the rest of the year. But here's the good news: if you take action in time, you can avoid many problems.

AIRCO FIX by Xenum is an innovative sealing additive that effectively repairs even the smallest cracks in the air conditioning system and provides long-term results. It adapts to all types of refrigerants, making it an ideal solution for any vehicle.

Effective elimination of microleakage in the air conditioning system

AIRCO FIX is designed for professionals and is easy to use. Simply turn on the air conditioning system and attach the adapter to the applicator. Push the plunger of the syringe to release any trapped air. Use the syringe and inject the entire contents into the air conditioning system. Unplug the syringe and let the conditioner run for about 20 minutes to ensure full distribution of the product. At the end of this procedure, AIRCO FIX will effectively eliminate all micro leaks and your air conditioner will be restored to proper working condition.

Looking for an easy way to find leaks and cracks in your AC system? We have UV TRACER!

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