
Gas equipment for cars. What is it? What does it consist of? How does it work?

Gas equipment for cars | XENUM UKRAINE

Motorists' eyes are already accustomed to seeing expensive Land Cruiser, Range Rover, or Mercedes-Benz SUVs at gas stations. Why are even wealthy drivers converting their cars to run on gas?

The installations can be Chinese, Baltic, Polish, and Italian are considered the best.

What is gas equipment for a car (HBO)?

Gas cylinder equipment for cars is a system that uses propane or methane gas. LPG / CNG as an alternative fuel for vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines.

Gas equipment for cars is located in three parts of the vehicle: the trunk, the engine compartment and the car interior. The trunk contains gas cylinders designed to store gas reserves. Methane (compressed gas) cylinders are made of special steel and have no seams. Propane (liquefied gas) cylinders are welded and can be cylindrical or toroidal. Gas cylinders are designed for very high gas pressure.

Special valves and gates are used to fill gas cylinders, as well as to shut off and supply gas to the mains.

Gas equipment for cars | XENUM UKRAINE

Gas reducer

A component of gas equipment for a vehicle that serves to convert gas from a liquid phase to a vapor phase, as well as to heat compressed natural gas. In addition, gas reducer reduces the pressure of the gas supplied from the cylinder. Another function of the HBO reducer is that it regulates the amount of gas entering the mixer. This occurs depending on the change in load or the number of revolutions of the car engine crankshaft. And the last function of the gas reducer is to shut off the gas supply when the engine stops or switches to gasoline.

Gas mixer

An element of gas equipment for a car is designed to mix gas and air (prepare a working gas mixture).

Gas solenoid valve (ECG)

Designed to supply gas to the gas reducer, as well as to shut off the gas when the car is running on gasoline. (The gas solenoid valve is controlled by a switch from the passenger compartment). The gas valve contains a filter element that cleans the gas from mechanical impurities. This element of the car's gas equipment must be replaced every 10-15 thousand kilometers of the car's mileage.

Gasoline solenoid valve (ECV)

A component designed to supply gasoline to a car's carburetor if the gas supply is shut off. Equipped with a manual opening/closing valve.


Located in a holder, it protects the ECG and EKG from damage.

Power register 

Located on the low-pressure gas pipeline, it connects the gas reducer and the gas mixer and supplies gas to the carburetor chambers. The gas dispenser has adjusting screws that regulate the portion of gas entering the mixer.

The vehicle engine operating modes are controlled using the fuel type switch, which is located in the vehicle interior on the dashboard.


Over time, gas equipment for a car may begin to work inefficiently and a gas smell may appear, even if the connections are completely tight.

To solve these problems, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our next article.