
NEXGEN™ technology for diesel additives

NEXGEN™ technology for diesel additives

Cerium oxide in NEXGEN™

Xenum has developed a special technology for diesel additives called NEXGEN™. Our NEXGEN ™ fuel applications are based on on cerium oxide nanoparticles, a well-known oxidation catalyst that improves combustion in diesel engines.

The cerium oxide particles in NEXGEN ™ are 10 nm in size, so they have a large surface area, making them an extremely effective catalyst; even very low concentrations of NEXGEN ™ provide maximum power and oxidation performance.


Catalytic effect NEXGEN ™ additive provides incredible advantages in modern diesel engines; it promotes better, more efficient fuel combustion. Even particles soot (residual fuel) are oxidized and are transformed  energy for additional energy. This improved combustion also provides a reduction harmful emissions:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2): Directly related to fuel consumption. Every 1 kg of fuel stored reduces CO2 emissions by approximately 3 kg
  • Leftovers : A decrease is observed to 18%
  • Hydrocarbons (HC): A decrease is observed to 13%
  • Carbon monoxide (CO): A decrease is observed to 6%

NEXGEN™ reduces and dissolves carbon deposits are present. Prevents in the future accumulation additional carbon deposits, primarily in the place where they collect: on the filter solid particles, as well as in cylinders, pistons and turbines.

High concentrations of NEXGEN™ are used to clean the particulate filter and turbine. And also, let's not forget about the famous IN & OUT Cleaner, which demonstrates exceptional efficiency in this matter.

NEXGEN™ technology Used in:

If you need consultation or advice about your car, contact the specialists of Xenum Ukraine.

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